Directions to workshop at Southern CT State University
(Adanti Student Center: 345 Fitch St, Hamden, CT)
From New York (via I-95)
I-95, Exit 44 (Kimberly Avenue, Route 10). Turn right at the end of the exit onto Kimberly Avenue, then left at the stoplight onto Ella Grasso Boulevard, Route 10. Ella Grasso Boulevard ends at Crescent Street, near the south entrance of the campus.
From New York (via Rt. 15, Merritt-Wilbur Cross Parkway)
Rt. 15, Merritt-Wilbur Cross Parkway, Exit 59 (Whalley Avenue). Head south on Whalley Avenue, turn left onto Fitch Street, which bisects the campus.
From New London
I-95, Exit 44 (Ella Grasso Boulevard, Route 10). Follow Ella Grasso Boulevard north. Ella Grasso Boulevard ends at Crescent Street, near the south entrance of the campus.
From Hartford
Wilbur Cross Parkway, Exit 60 at Dixwell Avenue. Head south on Dixwell Avenue to Arch Street. Turn right at Arch Street and left at Fitch Street, which bisects the campus.
Key/Relevant Locations on Campus for Workshop:
Adanti Student Center: Where the workshop is
Connecticut Hall: Where lunch is
Buses should drop off students in from of “John Lyman Center for the Arts”. Buses should turn onto Crescent Street and enter the lot. Then make a left and drop off in the circle in front of Lyman Hall. Then students walk through the black gate towards the Adanti Student Center where the workshop is. You will see signs.
After dropping off students, buses must park in the rear of lot P-9. See map below.
If you are driving in a car to the workshop, you must park in the Wintergreen Avenue Garage on Wintergreen Avenue (see map below). Then it is a 7 minute walk down Wintergreen Ave towards the Adanti Student Center where the workshop is. You will want to use the pedestrian bridge that crosses Fitch Street and leads right to the Adanti Student Center.